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A Map has Emerged from Secret Archives that Proves the Albanian Version of History

Kosovo Was not Part of Serbia

Day to day maps and documents from the secret archives of the European superpowers are emerging from the “well connected” where they hid for centuries!


But what they all reflect refute hypostheses and hamendsitë our neighbours, like Greece and also Serbia, Albania – Albania, emerging as a superpower in all its territory – this does not tell us, but these maps, archives secrets and Kosovo presented the only sovereign. Serbia, the ‘narrow’ in a small circle. Greece….??? There exist and this is a topicof discussion, as the entire Balkan Peninsula was named Albanien, while Peloponnese – Morea!

The present map is being drawn up by the Germans, this map is very interesting and unique. The map is from the Medieval period between 1350 – 1440, which conicides with the major eents o the period as Osman penetration in the Balkans, the Battle of Kosovo and the return of Skanderbeg in Kruja.

Three main elements of the map are:

  • Albania presented as the largest territory in the Balkans and Kosovo is divided from Serbia
  • Serbia is presented as a very small country.
  • Greece is not listed as a country, but only Morea, seeing that Mora is populated by Albanian Arvanitas.

The most important fact is that this marriage of John Castriota, because Turkish and Serbian propaganda theory, that the mother of Skanderbeg was Serbian, as this map excludes any possibility of that, because Serbs are far from Albanian territory.


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